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August 13, 2020

More than 25 million Americans spend their vacations in a recreational vehicle (RV). Moreover, one million Americans call an RV their full-time home.

If you've made the decision to invest in an RV, it's only smart to protect it.

To this end, RV insurance is a wise decision. Yet, there are a few ways that this step could veer off track, leaving you vulnerable in the event of a crisis.

Today, we're sharing five of the most common RV insurance mistakes. This way, you can identify the potholes before you cross them and can navigate your family toward a safe and successful future.

1. Relying on Car Insurance Alone

Your RV is technically a vehicle. So, a standard auto insurance policy should suffice, right?

Not quite.

While it's true that your RV takes you from Point A to Point B much like a sedan, it has myriad intricacies that make it much more complicated. In addition, owning an RV opens you up an increased risk of financial loss and personal liability.

As such, you'll need specialized RV coverage that extends to its unique needs. For instance, your personal belongings will require protection.

Acting as your home away from home, your RV likely contains many different kinds of valuables, from pricey electronics to heirloom jewelry. Most homeowner's insurance policies have limits on what they'll cover outside of your property lines, and you'll also have to pay a deductible. An RV policy can provide a valuable workaround.

In addition to insuring the vehicle itself, you'll also need to insure everything inside of it, and this kind of coverage isn't available on most standard auto policies. You'll also require access to services and support that other drivers won't require. For instance, many RV insurance providers will provide valuable discounts to accommodate your lifestyle, as well as expert RV roadside assistance accessible as you travel.

2. Not Choosing Enough Liability Coverage

What would you do if you rammed your RV into another camper's vehicle? Or, what if you accidentally injure someone with your RV?

These types of questions might seem far-fetched, but the reality is that they are not impossible. You'll need RV liability coverage to make sure that you're always protected, from every angle. In the event that your RV causes personal injury or property damage, the resulting lawsuit could be incredibly costly, as well as laborious and time-consuming.

While you might be tempted to choose a low amount of liability coverage to save money, keep in mind how much you would pay in court costs if your policy isn't expansive enough to protect you. Then, consider the costs of medical treatment for any injured parties, as well as the costs to restore physical damages.

It's easy for these extraneous expenses to exceed the limits of your low-level liability coverage. Rather than sticking to the state-required minimum, team with a trusted local insurer to determine what you really need.

3. Laser Focusing on Price

Yes, the price of your RV insurance policy matters. Yet, it isn't the most important factor to prioritize.

Rather, what's most important is making sure that you're getting the most extensive coverage available at the price point you can afford. The insurance industry is broad and competitive, and there are plenty of unscrupulous companies that are only out to make a quick buck. As such, they'll offer rock-bottom prices that seem too good to be true, because they are.

Find a service-centered, reputable, and specialized insurance company that has a dedicated focus ATVs, boats, and RVs. At Hummel, our agents will take the time to personally evaluate your RV.

Then, they'll build you a fair policy based on market value, agreed value, or Total Loss Replacement Cost. They'll also ensure your liability coverage is robust enough to shield you from major claims.

The best part?

As an independent agent, Hummel isn't bound to one insurance company. Our agents have the freedom to shop around to make sure you have access to as many companies as possible, as well as more competitive rates.

4. Skipping Discounts

While an RV policy might differ from an auto policy, some insurers might be willing to offer special bundle packages at a low rate.

Promotions like these are fairly common with specialized insurance providers, so it's always worth asking about potential insurance discounts before you sign on the dotted line. A few of the built-in options that you might be able to apply to save on your premiums include:

  • Multi-policy discounts (e.g. bundle your RV and automobiles on the same policy)
  • Storage options (suspend coverage when you're not using your RV for an extended period)
  • Discounts for installing special safety devices on your RV (e.g. anti-theft gear, airbags)
  • Discounts for safe driving records

5. Not Updating Your Policy

When you first buy your RV insurance policy, all you might be thinking about is hitting the open road. Yet, there are a few major life changes that affect the level of coverage you and your family require. These include:

  • Getting married
  • Having a baby
  • Moving
  • Buying a house
  • Having a teenage driver

Any or all of these events can have an effect on your insurance needs. They could also change the overall amount that you pay for coverage, possibly even lowering it. That's why it's important to review your RV insurance policy regularly!

Avoid These RV Insurance Mistakes With Us

Deciding to invest in an RV was the first major step toward a newfound adventure. Before you hit the road and enjoy the freedom and flexibility that this lifestyle provides, connect with our team. We'll help you avoid these five RV insurance mistakes so you can confidently get behind the wheel.

We're well-versed in a variety of insurance sectors, from personal lines and business insurance to niche markets. We'd love to discuss our RV policy options and find the perfect fit for your needs. Contact us today to learn more about the services we provide.

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